Happy Valentine's Day everyone!!! A lot has happened in the past year. At this time last year, Sogna may have been in surgery, but certainly in a lot of bandages, and still very sick. Biffy hadn't yet dreamed of meeting his lady love.
Since then, we've fallen in love.We've been so happy together, we wanted to share a few of our feelings about the love we share.
Love is not having to wear stupid bandages anymore.
Love is running to the sound of the word cookie.
Love is bounding out for playtime, but running back to the doorway to make sure Sogna gets across the bridge OK.
Love is keeping each other's eyes clean, and making sure they stay that way.
Love is eating out of each others' mouths, and letting the other find the treat first.
Love is a big salad with veggies, herbs and 3 kinds of lettuce.
Best of all, love is getting presents!!! Here's us playing with the new toys we got for Valentine's Day:
Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Share the love, which is the greatest gift of all.